New Article | All About Attunements | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article

All About Attunements | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork

EXCERPT: "An attunement is an energy empowerment/initiation (sometimes called an 'energy lesson') that is passed from someone who has already been attuned to that energy frequency to another person so that they may 'learn' that vibration, connect with it and channel it in future by aligning with it through various methods including mantra, symbols and intention.
Depending on the system that the attunement is for, the attunement may simply be to initiate a subtle change to the vibration of the energy field of the recipient in order that they resonate more strongly with that energy in the future and as detailed above, act as a conduit for it in future. When we are connected to these various vibrations, we can use them for healing work, during meditation and for spiritual development depending on the modality and the means of accessing and using the energy.
Other attunements involve symbols being imprinted into the energy field of the recipient – but the effect is similar – a symbol resonates at a particular frequency and allows for a particular facet of Universal Energy to be tapped into by the attunee."
You can read the full article here: or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork
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