31 Oct 2022 Energy Updates | Spiritual Guidance Channelling with Daily L...

31 October 2022 Energy Update & Week-Ahead Spiritual Guidance for the Collective (with daily Law of Attraction affirmations) | In full at: https://youtu.be/M93lVyMd-ws to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.

Excerpt: "The dominant energetic influence we can tap into over the coming week for the purpose of progressing the spiritual journey & pursuing the path to wholeness is reflected in the 7 of Swords. This card has quite a reputation for heralding the unexpected. People don’t like the unexpected so it tends to be interpreted as potentially challenging. However, the surrounding cards indicate that this week, it’s the inner “sacred rebel” that seeks to come to fore! Things can only change for the better when you embrace change! And this week, it’s those moments where you break with tradition or subvert your own routines that reveal opportunities for growth. Make sure you keep yourself well grounded with nourishing food & time in nature. Giving yourself the time & space to process change allows change to feel less daunting & more exciting!"

Latest Mayastar Meditation: Light-Language Transmission for Healing & Spiritual Activation | https://youtu.be/YFCJxkz1H7E

Special Offer | Pleiadian Orb of Resonance Course | https://www.mayastar.net/pleiadianorb.htm

Special Offer | Luring Moon Abundance Alignment 30-Day Ritual Intensive | www.mayamagickal.net/luringmoonoffer.htm

Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at https://www.mayastar.net/pleiadianarticle.htm or visit https://youtu.be/UxFKtkmKV_E to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.
