NEW Are You A Starseed? The Signs & Spiritual Destiny of Starseeded Souls | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates

Are You a Starseed? The Signs & Spiritual Destiny of Starseeded Souls | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.
EXCERPT: “Starseeds are spiritually advanced souls that have strong connections to the Star People, or that have incarnated on Earth with memories of past lives as Star People that lived on other planets or in other dimensions. The term “Star People“ is used to refer generally to advanced spiritual beings (also called “light-beings”) that exist trans-dimensionally in the location of specific stars or star systems. The physical stars can be seen as portals that allow access to the subtle energetic planes beyond the manifestations of the temporal realms.
The term “Starseeds” is a relatively modern addition to the New Age lexicon, which leads some people to mistakenly believe that Starseeds are a modern phenomenon. But Starseeded Souls have been incarnating on Earth for as long as humans have existed. However, there have been times when they have incarnated in greater numbers. In particular at times of global upheaval that occur around the transition from one age to another. Our current Age is the Age of Aquarius, which is also called “The New…”
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