
Showing posts from January, 2025 πŸ’— Christ Consciousness Activation, Energy Healing & Starseed Guidance | Mayastar Unscripted Ep36 | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening πŸ’—

Image In this episode we discuss Christ Consciousness through the Ascended Master Jeshua (Jesus, the Christed One or Maitreya). We look at how connecting with our higher consciousness through energy healing practices can progress our healing journey, awaken spiritual gifts and allow us to experience a state of “oneness”. Regularly connecting with Christ Consciousness can help us to maintain a spiritual perspective and help us to achieve forgiveness, unconditional love and compassion in our lives. The Christ Consciousness Flush Empowerment course is an energy healing modality that can help us to do just that! You can read more about and purchase this powerful distance attunement from Follow the Mayastar Podcast on YouTube for energy healing guidance, spiritual awakening discussions and New Age topics to inspire and uplift you on your journey to wholeness Enjoying Mayastar? There’s much, much more! Explore... πŸ’— πŸ’— Mayastar Academy πŸ’— Energy Healing Courses | Distance Attunements | Reiki, Violet Flame, Starseeds, Ascended Masters, Ethereal Crystals, Avalonian, Lemurian, Angels, Sekhem, Abundance & Prosperity, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Divine Feminine, Goddess, Shamanism & more

Image | Spiritual awakening guidance & energy healing courses

Inspiration on your path πŸ’— Mayastar Academy πŸ’—Energy Healing Courses Online, Articles & Spiritual Awakening Guidance πŸ’— πŸ’—

Image | Spiritual awakening guidance & energy healing courses

Mayastar Energy Updates & Spiritual Guidance | 31st January 2025 | with Daily Law of Attraction Affirmations πŸ’— πŸ’—

Image | Spiritual awakening guidance & energy healing courses

NEW on Maya Muses | | All About Lemuria: Its Mythology, Light-Beings, Healing & Meaning for the New Age | With my Top Tips & Recommendations

NEW on Maya Muses | | This week we cover Lemuria – its history and mythology, the Light-Beings that inhabit it, their connection to us, and their message for lightworkers, starseeds, healers and spiritual seekers today. As the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway opens, many feel the call to progress their spiritual path, and the Lemurians are powerful allies on the healing and spiritual awakening journey. I also discuss some of the energy healing attunements that can help you to connect with the Lemurian currents, learn to speak Lemurian Light-Language through sacred mantras, and align your energy field more closely with your original divine blueprint | PLUS the latest energy reading, spiritual guidance, affirmations, Mayastar news PLUS my personal musings & updates every week πŸ’— πŸ’— Mayastar Academy πŸ’— Energy Healing Courses | Distance Attunements | Reiki, Violet Flame, Starseeds, Ascended Masters, Ethereal Crystals, Avalonian, Lemurian, Angels, Sekhem, Abundance & Prosperity, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Divine Feminine, Goddess, Shamanism & more

Image | Spiritual awakening guidance & energy healing courses