πŸ’— Ethereal Crystals Diamond of Prosperity, Law of Attraction & Energy Healing for Manifesting | Mayastar Unscripted Ep34 | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening πŸ’— In this episode we look in detail at the Diamond of Prosperity energy healing attunement course – a powerful energetic alignment that can help you to maintain your manifesting mindset, connect with the Source of Abundance and take your Law of Attraction practices to the next level. The Diamond of Prosperity also works to eliminate blocks and negative energy that can impede your success and limit the flow of blessings into your life. You can read more about this course or purchase it from

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πŸ’— Enjoying Mayastar? There’s much, much more! Explore over 100 attunement-based energy healing courses at πŸ’— Follow my spiritual guidance, mystical musings, creative projects & personal updates: 😘πŸ₯°πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ¦„✌
