Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork | A Mayastar Energy...
Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork. EXCERPT: "Pleiadian Light-Beings are perhaps the best known & popular of all extra-terrestrial Emissaries of the Light that work with healers & energy workers today. Those who feel a strong spiritual calling to bring gifts of healing, empathy, intuition & peace to the planet & those around them are the Lightworkers, Indigo Children, Empaths & Starseeds that have incarnated at this time to provide support, encouragement & inspiration to awakening souls. Lightworkers, Indigo Children, Empaths & Starseeds are often more receptive to the energetic communications of the Pleiadians because they’ve been connected to them in past lives. The Pleiadians are multi-dimensional spirit beings from the Pleiadian star system, in parti...