Light-Language & Light-Codes: Your Questions Answered | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast

NEW: Light-Language & Light-Codes: Your Questions Answered | | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast 😘🥰💖🌈🦄


EXCERPT: “What is Light-Language & How is it Expressed? Light-language is a modern term for an ancient understanding of a cosmic reality. When energy workers, healers & mystics refer to “The Light” we are referring to the sacred energetic signature of all things. Everything we can see and everything we can’t see within this Universe is connected by a single source; that source can be considered “The Light”. But it’s not a light that’s visible to the physical eye. In fact, to many people, the Light seems too ephemeral and ethereal to be considered “real”. However, the existence of The Light within all things doesn’t depend on our ability to perceive it. It is the unifying force that underpins & prospers all of creation.”


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Artwork by ALM-Maya: Intersomnia Transmutations | Documenting my journeying on the astral plane Visit for more Also find me at &


Enjoy! Xxx


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