Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork | A Mayastar Energy...

Pleiadian Light-Beings: History, Healing & Lightwork | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.

EXCERPT: "Pleiadian Light-Beings are perhaps the best known & popular of all extra-terrestrial Emissaries of the Light that work with healers & energy workers today. Those who feel a strong spiritual calling to bring gifts of healing, empathy, intuition & peace to the planet & those around them are the Lightworkers, Indigo Children, Empaths & Starseeds that have incarnated at this time to provide support, encouragement & inspiration to awakening souls. Lightworkers, Indigo Children, Empaths & Starseeds are often more receptive to the energetic communications of the Pleiadians because they’ve been connected to them in past lives.

The Pleiadians are multi-dimensional spirit beings from the Pleiadian star system, in particular the star Alcyone. They are Light Beings that exist trans-dimensionally in the location of the stars of the constellation of the Pleiades or Seven Sisters.

The Pleiadians are just one ‘tribe’ of Light Beings that are here to assist humanity. Their presence was continuous in the..."

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