NEW Connecting to Gaia: Great Mother Goddess of the Earth | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates

NEW | Connecting with Gaia: Great Mother Goddess of the Earth | Divine Feminine Energy Healing Article | Read at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.

EXCERPT: “Gaia is the name given to the Earth Mother Goddess of Ancient Greece; she is a primordial deity that expresses the divine feminine principle and is considered to be the mother of all life and all forms of life throughout the entire Universe! Gaia isn’t just a deity, she is also considered to be the physical embodiment of the divine feminine as expressed as the planet we live on. The 3-dimensional, physical earth, is her body; the people and animals are her children and the trees, flowers and natural cycles of the natural world reflect her mysterious and magickal tides. To learn about Gaia, we don’t have to meditate or study special philosophies…”

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