NEW Unicorn Love & Light, Shadow Work & Inner Child Healing | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates

NEW | Unicorn Love & Light, Shadow Work & Inner Child Healing | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.

EXCERPT: “Unicorns are considered by many to exist only in legend, fantasy and our wildest dreams. In fact, they are light-beings and powerful spiritual guides! They occupy angelic realms and the higher strata of the heavenly astral planes: the spheres of transcendental reality that we would consider ‘heavenly’ dimensions. Their proximity to the unadulterated and endless Light allows them to share the brilliance and beauty of the divine with us. Unicorns have…”

NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: | Higher Heart Chakra Starseed Activation Light-Codes | 60-min Light-Language Meditation with Binaural Beats 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌ and set a reminder for the upcoming release: | Unicorn Love & Light Encoding | Light-Codes for Ascension & Healing | 60-min Light-Language Meditation with Alpha-Wave Binaural Beats 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌

Special Offer | Unicorn Love & Light Attunement Course |

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Enjoy! Xxx


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