NEW Week-Ahead Energy Updates for the Collective – Spiritual Guidance & Daily Affirmations 17th April 2023 & Updates from Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development

Inspiration on your path from Mayastar

NEW 17th April 2023 Energy Updates, Spiritual Guidance & LoA Affirmations for the Week-ahead from Mayastar | In full at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.

Excerpt: “The dominant energy we can tap into over the coming week for the purpose of progressing the healing journey is reflected in the Queen of Cups. This card expresses the spiritual gift of intuition; it reminds you to open your heart to receive the guidance & spiritual encouragement of the Universe this week. There are important messages in the ethers, but to receive them, you need to create enough space & silence to tune in. Spend extra time in meditation this week. Perhaps meditate near water to allow the elemental forces to take you deeper into your reverie. Look for repeating symbols that come to you in your daily life as well as in dreams. These may…”

NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: | Wheel of Light Starseed Activation: Lemurian Starseed Light-Codes | Light-Language Meditation with Binaural Beats | 60min 😘πŸ₯°πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ¦„✌

Special Offer | Lightworker Animal Empowerments Course |

NEW | Connecting with Gaia: Great Mother Goddess of the Earth | Divine Feminine Energy Healing Article | Read at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.

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Enjoy! Xxx
