www.mayastar.net | Dolphin Energy, Mermaids, Barbie, Inner Child Healing, Bath Rituals, Henna | Mayastar Unscripted Ep7 | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening

https://youtu.be/ptYKHvdONLg In this episode we cover the healing energy of Lemuria, dolphins, connecting with mermaids, Barbie, inner child healing and self-care. We discover the healing potential of bathing rituals and consider how we can bring a sacred component and energy cleansing angle to our daily routines. And we discuss the Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing Attunements course, considering ways we can align with this energy to progress the healing journey and our spiritual awakening. You can read more about the Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing course at https://www.mayastar.net/dolphinrainbow.htm

Follow the Mayastar Podcast on YouTube for energy healing guidance, spiritual awakening discussions and New Age topics to inspire and uplift you on your journey to wholeness 😘πŸ₯°πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ¦„✌

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