www.mayastar.net | Energy Healing, Soul Mates, Toxic Relationships, Love & the Ancient Norse Runes | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening

https://youtu.be/wBdd75VMGxQ In this episode we look at the Elder Futhark: the ancient Norse runes that can be used for healing, magic & divination. Each rune’s sound and symbol carries a unique vibration that conveys spiritual energy. We also discuss soul mate (twin flame) relationships, spiritual connections, overcoming toxic relationships, summer solstice energies, the solar plexus chakra, music meditation, the Love Flush Empowerments energy healing course (https://www.mayastar.net/loveflush.htm) and rune song meditation music.

Follow the Mayastar Podcast on YouTube for energy healing guidance, spiritual awakening discussions and New Age topics to inspire and uplift you on your journey to wholeness 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌

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