www.mayastar.net | Learn how to succeed in your manifesting practice by consciously connecting with your optimistic side, and enhancing your positive mindset | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening

https://youtu.be/aYjg5gjXASk Learn how to succeed in your manifesting practice by consciously connecting with your optimistic side, and enhancing your positive mindset | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening

In this episode of Mayastar Unscripted, we look at the importance of optimism as it relates to our healing and spiritual awakening journey; we consider toxic positivity, and how we can align with a positive mindset without creating an imbalance. And I discuss the Abundance Affinity Attunement course from Mayastar Academy; an energy healing modality that helps you to align with the Law of Attraction and create the changes you want to see in your life. You can read more about the Abundance Affinity course here: https://www.mayastar.net/abundanceaffinity.htm

πŸ’— Enjoying Mayastar? There’s much, much more! Explore over 100 attunement-based energy healing courses at https://www.mayastar.net πŸ’— Follow my spiritual guidance, mystical musings, creative projects & personal updates: https://www.blog.mayastar.net 😘πŸ₯°πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ¦„✌
