πŸ’— Ascension Symptoms, Healing Bad Karma, Killing Moon Ritual, Grounding | Mayastar Unscripted Ep25 | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening πŸ’— In this episode we discuss ascension symptoms and experiences you may have during the spiritual awakening journey, as your energy body is upgraded and aligned with higher frequencies. We look at the importance of grounding as a means to integrate energy and facilitate channelling and natural energetic protection. And we explore the phenomenon of negative karmic bonds – how they are created, and how they can impact the energy body. And we discuss the Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive – a powerful magickal working I provide that works to resolve and dissolve negative karmic bonds. You can read more about this at

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