πŸ’— Dance for Healing & Spiritual Practice, Shadow Work, Lemurian Light-Codes | Mayastar Unscripted Ep28 | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening πŸ’— In this episode we look at energy healing practices to support your shadow work and help you to navigate difficult emotions. We look at ways you can incorporate dance and sacred movement into your regular spiritual practice as a powerful way to ground yourself and integrate higher frequency energies. We look Lemurian light-codes and using music as a way to connect with your spiritual potential and awaken your spiritual gifts. And we cover the Light Sanctuary Activation Course – an energy attunement channelled by Mayastar through the goddess, Quan Yin – which can be used to create an energetic “safe-space” for your healing and spiritual development work. You can read more about this option at

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