πŸ’— Ascension Symptoms, Healing Bad Karma, Killing Moon Ritual, Grounding | Mayastar Unscripted Ep25 | New Episode on the Mayastar Podcast | Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening πŸ’— In this episode we discuss energy healing, and how to get started if you feel the call to begin working with subtle energies. We look at the process of soul-retrieval – a shamanic technique for restoring the energy body. We cover the Pleiadian Light-Beings – extra-terrestrial spiritual guides that support the spiritual awakening of humanity, and have supported us and our world for millennia. And I explain the Universal Rays Attunements course – a series of 7 attunements that connect you with the 7 rays of light that form pure white light energy. Each ray is connected with a different Ascended Master or Chohans, and the detailed course materials cover correspondences and insights that can help you to connect with these powerful beings. You can read more about this at

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