NEW The Great Central Sun, Collective Consciousness & Spiritual Ascension | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates

NEW | Great Central Sun, Collective Consciousness & Spiritual Ascension | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at or visit to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.

EXCERPT: “When reflecting on the spiritual symbolism of the Great Central Sun, it’s important to remember that all life is considered to have consciousness to some degree within the spiritual model. Every expression of life is part of one “Universe” and is energetically connected with every other expression of life within the Universe. The plants are connected to the animals and the people; the planet itself has its own consciousness as do all the physical components that make it up: the rocks, the soil, the rivers and seas all have their own spirit or soul that can be considered part of the collective. So when we access higher levels of consciousness…”

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